
Men’s Health

Men’s Health

Men’s health issues focus on the male reproductive system and the effects of testosterone (male sex hormone). When you have concerns about your sexual health, you need to consult Synicare Men’s Health in Cumming, Georgia. Synicare Men's Health provides advanced diagnostics and treatments for men’s health problems, relieving distressing conditions like erectile dysfunction. Call Synicare Men’s Health to arrange a checkup or request an appointment online today. 

What is men’s health?

Men’s health covers all the health problems that affect men but not women. It also includes conditions that men are far more likely to have, even though some women get them, too. Most men’s health conditions relate to the male reproductive system, which consists of the:

  • Penis
  • Scrotum
  • Testicles
  • Urethra
  • Prostate gland
  • Seminal vesicles (glands)
  • Bulbourethral glands
  • Epididymis and vas deferens (connecting tubes and ducts)

Men’s health issues often concern conditions that develop because of deficiencies in the male sex hormone testosterone. Urinary tract function is also a vital aspect of men’s health.

What men’s health conditions are the most common?

Men’s health conditions that Synicare Men’s Health sees most often include:

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a problem where you can’t get erections, or your erections aren’t as hard or long-lasting as usual.


If you’re experiencing sexual problems, call Synicare Men’s Health to arrange a consultation or book a well-man appointment online today.