
Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

Being unable to have sex because you can’t get or keep an erection is a situation that men dread. Fortunately, with help from Synicare Men’s Health in Cumming, Georgia, you can overcome erectile dysfunction. Synicare Men's Health uses medications and advanced nonsurgical solutions such as injection therapy and vacuum erection devices to restore your performance. Call Synicare Men’s Health to learn more about erectile dysfunction treatments or book a telehealth appointment or home visit using the online form today.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition some men develop where they have problems getting an erection when they want to have sex or lose their erection during sex. Naturally, this can be distressing, but there are effective treatments available if you have ED.

The odd occurrence of performance problems isn’t usually anything to worry about. You might be tired or developing a cold; excessive alcohol and smoking can also cause episodes of ED. However, if you frequently have erectile difficulties, it’s likely to be because of an underlying health problem.

If erectile dysfunction is becoming a significant issue, for example, if it lasts more than a month or affects you more than a quarter of the time, you can get an accurate diagnosis and expert treatment from one of our Synicare providers.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

There are quite a few reasons why you might have erectile dysfunction, such as:

  • Low testosterone
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Drug abuse
  • Penile injuries
  • Prostate problems
  • Peyronie’s disease

You might have an issue with blood flow to your penis. For instance, microplaque is a substance that can collect in your blood vessels and reduce blood flow in your penis, making it more difficult to get erections.

Psychological problems like anxiety, stress, depression, and low self-esteem can also cause erectile dysfunction. Issues like these can develop as a result of having erectile dysfunction as well.

How is erectile dysfunction treated?

The quick and easy solution to erectile dysfunction is to take a medication like sildenafil (Viagra®). These drugs are very effective and help many men achieve erections that last. However, they don’t do anything to sort out the cause of your erectile dysfunction.

Synicare Men's Health can find out why you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction and address the cause. Once you know what’s behind your ED, there are many potential therapies available that could resolve your problems. 

Low testosterone commonly causes erectile dysfunction, for which you can take testosterone supplements. Trimix intracavernosal penile injection therapy combines alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine, drugs that quickly produce results when and where you need them. 

Vacuum erection devices that surround your penis and enlarge the blood vessels offer a non-pharmaceutical solution to erectile dysfunction.

If erectile dysfunction is becoming an issue for you, call Synicare Men’s Health or request an appointment online today.